/as mirror <player> - Окно инвентаря <Игрока> для редактирования и удаления (только если он в игре)
/as editregion <name> <key> <value> - Редактирование игрового режима в регионе. Используйте/as editregion help for more info для получение более обширной информации.
AntiShare.allow.* - Allows everything
AntiShare.allow.block_place - Allows block placing
AntiShare.allow.block_break - Allows block breaking
AntiShare.allow.right_click - Allows right clicking of blocks/objects
AntiShare.allow.use_item - Allows the use of items
AntiShare.allow.commands - Allows the use of commands
AntiShare.allow.pickup_item - Allows picking up of items from the ground
AntiShare.allow.drop_item - Allows the dropping of items
AntiShare.allow.hit_players - Allows combat with players
AntiShare.allow.hit_mobs - Allows combat with mobs (cows, creepers, etc)
AntiShare.regions.* - Allows all region actions
AntiShare.regions.create - Allows creation of regions
AntiShare.regions.edit - Allows editing of regions
AntiShare.regions.delete - Allows the player to delete regions
AntiShare.regions.list - Allows the player to list regions using /as listregions
AntiShare.regions.roam - Allows free roaming between regions. This means the player will not be forced into a Game Mode and will not have their inventory changed on them.
AntiShare.regions.throw_item - Allows the player to throw items from region to region, region to wild, and wild to region without being blocked.
AntiShare.regions.pickup_item - Same as above, except for pickup.
AntiShare.regions.place - Allows the player to place blocks in regions other than their current (over borders)
AntiShare.regions.break - Allows the player to break blocks in regions other than their current (over borders)
AntiShare.inventories.* - Allows all of the below inventory permissions
AntiShare.inventories.no_swap - This player will not be forced into a per-Game Mode inventory.
AntiShare.tool.* - Allows all tool actions
AntiShare.tool.get - Allows use of the /as tool command
AntiShare.tool.use - Allows the player to get information on blocks using the tool
AntiShare.gamemode - Allows the player to change their own Game Mode
AntiShare.gamemode.others - Allows the player to change other people's Game Mode. If given this permission the player is also allowed to change their own Game Mode.
AntiShare.worldsplit.* - The player is not affected by either side of a World Split
AntiShare.worldsplit.creative - The player is not affected by the creative side of a World Split
AntiShare.worldsplit.survival - The player is not affected by the survival side of a World Split
AntiShare.* - Gives permission for everything (allows all actions, all regions, all inventory, all tools, all Game Mode, all World Split, ensures they are never affected by actions, and everything below)
AntiShare.reload - Allows the player to reload AntiShare
AntiShare.convert - Allows the player to convert AntiShare's storage between SQL and YAML
AntiShare.getDrops - Despite configuration settings, this player will ALWAYS get drops from a block.
AntiShare.mirror - Allows access to the /as mirror command
AntiShare.getNotifications - This player will be informed of things going on in the server
AntiShare.silent - This player will not trigger notifications themselves.
AntiShare.free_place - Allows the player to place blocks without them ending up in the block tracking system. This permissions also allows the player to break any block, whether it be creative, survival or natural.
AntiShare.affect.* - The player is always subject to AntiShare's wrath
AntiShare.affect.creative - (Default: true) The player is only subject when they are in creative mode
AntiShare.affect.survival - (Default: false) The player is only subject when they are in survival mode